
Wellness in Childern

Wellness is an intervention that promotes healthy lifestyle and prevents diseases. Physical and mental well-being in children comes from healthy practices like physical activity, vaccination against diseases, proper nutrition and a healthy social environment.

The following areas are a great start for teaching children about wellness.

Intellectual Wellness

Introduce new and innovative ways of learning to your kids. Take your child to a zoo, park, kids museum, an interactive event or a library. Interactive ways of learning not only enhance your child’s knowledge but also help to improve overall personal and social behaviour of the child. Screen time of gadgets should be limited for half an hour. There should be a rationale for the things that the child watches. Television and computer time should be monitored and timed. There is a correlation between screen time and obesity, but more so, screens cause us to limit ourselves intellectually. We are the role models for our children, so if we have a higher screen time, our children would learn those behaviours.

Emotional Wellness

Children are more sensitive than adults and will reciprocate the adult’s emotion. Stress takes a heavy emotional toll on children and it’s best to remove a child from the stressful environment. Even if it might not be stressful for the child, if it’s stressful for you, your child can pick that up. Learning healthy reactions to stress early in life can help lessen fear and anxiety in adulthood. A happier environment leads to an emotionally healthy child. An enriching and stimulating environment at home fosters healthy growth and brain development by providing the child with love, emotional support and opportunities for learning and exploration.

Social Wellness

Social interactions and social activities, including interacting with other children and participating in stage activities, enhance cognitive development in the child which in turn boosts their self-esteem and confidence. They also strengthen their learning and communication skills. As a parent you can promote the social well-being of your child by creating opportunities for them to make friends. Your child’s social interaction can make them learn things such as manners, resolution of conflicts and listening to others.

Physical Wellness

A healthy body always inhabits a healthy mind. Physical activity not only supports the physical health of your child but also helps in their intellectual development. Proper nutrition and physical activity are obvious ways to positively impact our physical well-being. With so many articles and different opinions on proper nutrition and the right levels of activity, it’s tough to make choices for your children and even harder when it comes to teaching them about how those choices affect their wellness. Early childhood is when we need to develop healthy habits necessary to live healthy lives as adults.

Eating Better (Both for Children and Theirs)

Children who have meals with their family tend to eat. healthier foods and, as a result, are at a lower risk of developing obesity. However, those children who have meals while watching TV have improper food choices. As a parent, you play an important role in shaping your child’s eating habits. You have a major influence over the type of food and place to eat as a family. Children don’t realize when they are hungry so we need to cater to their needs, which makes it essential to create a mealtime pattern.

Here are some ideas to help with your child’s food choices:

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